
More than just a date

stars don't matter

On this day, The person who gave the word "beautiful" its true meaning was born. A person I am lucky and honored to have in my life. A person who deserves nothing less than everything. I know I can never provide that, but at least I can give everything I can, because I will never forgive myself if I don't. Such a harsh thing to say, but that's what great people deserve—they deserve to be remembered and fought for. We see them as art, in art. We see them in everything and in everyone, but we don't see everyone in them. I wonder how the sky would feel if it knew that it is not as beautiful as your bright and deep eyes. I guess you don’t need to gaze into the sky—you already have it in you. And I guess I don’t need to either, because you’ve made for me a universe where stars don’t matter.

Why is this ?

That's why I created this website — to celebrate Anfel's birthday every day and to say, "Happy Birthday Anfel" in front of the whole world.

While birthdays are important for the people around us to not forget who we are, sometimes they are also for us to not forget who we are. The problem is : why don't we live everyday as a birthday, as a new beginning? because tommorow is not guaranteed and the next birthday may never come.

About me

Just a regular guy who has met this person and completely lost his mind.

Actually, I've found my mind.

a black and white photo of a microwave
a black and white photo of a microwave

Projects section

Other projects are coming in addition to these, God willing.

brown tower clock
brown tower clock
Project Ambition

This project aims to adjsfkljasdl.

brown chips on brown textile
brown chips on brown textile
silhouette of praying man
silhouette of praying man
a gold crown with black and white stones
a gold crown with black and white stones
Project Chips

This project aims to jdsaklfj;lkjaslk.

"Though you're far from me, you are everywhere."

Nizar Qabbani

"You are my poem that has not been written yet."

Gibran Khalil Gibran

“To love someone means to see them as God intended them.”

Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Qué miras, bobo ?"


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